Order Process and Current Status

All Derette Equipment comes from China and that shipment alone takes 4-6 weeks to arrive at our warehouse in the Ft. Worth, TX area. So from start to finish, it’s about a 7-9 week window from the time you place your order to having it arrive and then be shipping to you.

We require 50% deposits up front as this helps with container shipping and the 45% tariff that is applied that we have to pay up front. This deposit is 100% refundable until the time we place our order with Derette. At that time if an order is canceled, there is a 10% penalty of the deposit.

We can do an exchange. For example if you ordered a Harley Rake and now want a Backhoe attachment, we can do that so long as there is free inventory to do so and pay the difference between the costs.

Currently, our next order will be March 14, 2025 but that can change. Once an order is sent out, we will post updates to the shipment as we have them, see below. When the order arrives, it typically takes 2-3 days to process the incoming freight and then we start shipping out our customers orders via RL Carrier. We will provide you with tracking numbers when this happens. If you want a quote, send us email at mike@deretteusasales.com with what you want, and your complete ship to address, email and phone number. We will typically get a quote out within one to two business days.

As you can see from the below, there are many steps to the process so patience is key when ordering from China.

Prices on our web site are current based on expected shipping costs and current tariffs. Due to shipping costs fluctuating weekly, your order will be finalized when the equipment is loaded onto the container ship. Prices on our web site do not include shipping to you.

Current Status: Order Cut-Off Date March 12, for March 14th order. All dates are estimates until we place the order. There are several attachments being redesigned as well as a lot of changes to the 450T and the V1000. They should be completed during our order process.

Place order with Derette:

Order received and acknowledged by Derette:

Order fulfilled date:

Order loaded into containers:

Order picked up by shipping company:

Container ship departs:

Ship arrives at the Port of Los Angeles, CA.:

Freight unloaded and clears US Customs:

Freight loaded onto rail cars:

Freight arrives in Dallas, TX rail hub:

Freight arrival at our facility in Boyd, TX:

Freight check in:

Customer orders begin to be shipped: